Unseen – wrap up 2021

Not too long ago, I was taking my fourth coffee and it was barely midday, stomping my way back to the room that’s been my office since last year. This stomping made me realise how crazy it’s been! Most people at work were already on vacation and I was worried about something at work, having thoughts about some family matters back of my mind, planning the gifts for Christmas in another corner and wondering when should I work out that day? Followed by how my health was not letting me be me that day.

There are so many unseen things in each of our lives that we take granted for, worry about things that may or may not matter in a year from now. And yet, the judgement, anxiousness, social facade & pressure and personal insecurities all taking toll on us one by one, and sometimes, all at once taking over each cell. In all honesty, not all days are this sad, but we do have them.

Trying to breath more calmly, I joined the next call and so it went…

Fast forward to today, it’s again that time of the year where each day seems like a Saturday. I’ve eaten way too much in last days and moved way to less. Binging on shows on Netflix, watching 2021 wrap up documentaries and eating some more. Do I feel stupid about this? Yes, I do due to habit. But for a change, no – I’m not letting that make me spiral into any more thoughts. I’ve had enough of it. So what exactly is making me feel so anxious, confused and clueless at the moment?

As we have all been experiencing the last 2 years on the same planet, I think I’ll save the part where I talk about how crazy it’s been and how challenging in it’s own ways.

Right before picking up my laptop, I managed to move few things in home from here to there – so called clearing the mess. Basically, moving the things to a place where it doesn’t seem chaotic if anyone were to come home.

And while clearing up the mess, I gave it a good thought, I know exactly what’s the core of my problems currently but as silly as it seems, I really can’t do anything about it. I should, and probably will but for now, I’m giving it time. The most powerful concept in this universe (at least I like to believe).

Unfortunately, the thoughts in my mind don’t seem to be working in a train form today so you might find this pretty incomplete and absurd, but all I want to tell you is this –

If you’ve made it through this year, with some good memories, worked hard, made someone smile, helped someone in some way, and had a few days where you cried yourself to sleep, where you questioned all your relations in your life and yet, got up the next day and continued to try, I would like to say, be proud of yourself.

Things may not make sense at the moment, and I’m confused about a lot of things too, but as they say – It shall pass too…

Today and time & again, think about what makes you happy instead of thinking what makes people around you happy. With an extension that there are lots of things that are unseen, in each of our lives.

Take care of yourself, stay safe and take it one step at a time. ❤

A happy new year 2022! (in advance).

2 thoughts on “Unseen – wrap up 2021

  1. Dana says:

    Thank you!
    Actually I am quite unhappy at the moment. Actually I just see the things I couldn’t manage or I failed in. I think I still need to work on my attitude and learn to be proud of myself.
    Thank you =)

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