And whoosh… it’s a decade!

It’s so hard to believe that exactly 10 years ago, at this time, I was bidding farewell to my family at the Bangalore airport. Every family member who lived in Bangalore at the time were there. It was like a mini party of its own. The chai’s, the tears, the hugs and smiles. The motivating words to each other and in midst of all the buzz, the pace at which my heart was racing as I walked towards to check-in counter. I could still see some of my family through the glass window. And with a heavy heart and a smile, I waved one more time.

As I took the stairs towards the gate, little did I know that my life was going to change forever.

The naive me then thought, let’s go to a country half way across the globe, study for masters degree for a couple of years and everything will be just the same once I’m back. I didn’t know that learning started that very day. And I started evolving at a pace I couldn’t even recognise.

For someone who failed her A1 exam at Goethe institute at Bangalore, and probably didn’t even know that Germany’s original name is Deutschland – how am I the same person who’s writing this post 10 years later sitting in heart of Deutschland, with German as my third thinking language and part of the community like I never was anywhere before? Oh, and having a german partner and my half german son who’ll soon touch his first half year (?!). Nope! This wasn’t what I expected or even dreamt when I first landed here on the 26.09.2013.

But what a journey it’s been!

This last decade, I found myself piece by piece. I learned everything from scratch. And somehow, found my way into this beautiful country and coconut like people (And I always loved coconuts!).

Some little things from the start make me smile and wonder at the same time. I still remember the time when I didn’t know how to use the water vending machine at the station on the very first day. And going anywhere by myself was scary just by thinking about it. All I wanted was the smell and taste of home food. And the layers of clothing I had on when the temperature went below 20 degrees. I didn’t know what real bread was until much later. Or the fact that having a beer with someone makes a foreign language seem much less intimidating.

How has all that changed?

Well, I was absolutely blessed to have met some amazing people along this journey. The very first being my paten buddy at the university who opened her arms to me and welcomed me to this country, to her friends, to her home and made me feel like family. Then some really amazing colleagues without whom the life at work would be absolutely different! And some more than precious friends who have seen me at my best and worst and been around with their unending support! My partner whom I’ve known for most of the time here and he’s not just been a pillar of strength but a mirror too. Especially when I needed to see the real me. And most of all, to this day, my parents and my brother who make me feel like I never left.

How time has changed me… I’m no longer afraid of the uncertainty that life brings. Well, for most parts.

I’ve traveled, volunteered, learned the language, been active part of the society at various levels, been on solo trips, tried things that scared the sh** out of me, and what not. It’s not bragging about anything. Because there were times where I did just want to give it all up. There were times when I was so unsure about everything in my life. But somehow, supported by the people mentioned above, I kept moving. One step at a time. And that lead me to the best thing ever – I’ve extended my family & friends and it’s right here in Germany. With all my heart.

If there is one thing I’ve learned in last 10 years is this – People are people everywhere around the world. And whether you speak the same language or eat the same food or not, a genuine smile and good vibes – works everywhere exactly the same!

Everyone on this globe has similar problems when it comes to health, family, jobs, and what not (except the first world problems, that still make me raise my eyebrows and I don’t fully get most of them :D). Why do we make boundaries when all we need is to give people a true chance? And it won’t work all the time, but that’s the same everywhere, isn’t it?

Did I plan this? No way. Did I have any idea that my first international trip to a foreign country be such a turning point that will have so many milestones that I could never imagine? No. But everything happens for a reason. And no matter how hard some phases have been, I wouldn’t change a single moment in the last decade. For they have made me a person I am today.

If you think you can’t do it, that’s the moment you need to believe in yourself. You can. One step at a time.

Happy 10 year anniversary of being in Germany to me! (And 2 other friends who landed on the same day).

Keep smiling and stay strong! ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S. I’m definitely going to enjoy a cake today!

P.P.S. If you want to know how it all really started, here is the very first post of my blog – The take off…


Cheers! ๐Ÿ™‚

4 thoughts on “And whoosh… it’s a decade!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Really never felt that a decade my dear daughter has spend far away from Bengaluru, India but still feel that she is always with us due to her connectivity almost every single day, her energy, her excitement to talk truthfully eveything and committment for the work, family & friends – trying to balance all walks of life. Appreciate the spirit and GOD BLESS HER & FAMILY ALWAYS. KEEP GROWING & BE HEALTHY. – DAD

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anonymous says:

    thanks so much for sharing ur thoughts. it is always a highlight to read ur posts.
    even if we met just once in an online training, i will still remeber your incredbly openess to everything – keep this forever.

    Liked by 1 person

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